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Get a Free copy of the amazon best selling book "101 Ways to Get More Customers and Scale Your Busines"

Every strategy Gemma shares is one that she has used to grow her own businesses and that she teaches other business owners to enable them to grow their businesses, gain more time and achieve success

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“The quick tip manual every Business Owner needs on hand"

About the Book

Do you struggle with your sales pipeline?


Does your marketing lack consistency?


Do you find that you go through periods of feast and famine in your business?


Do you feel stressed and overworked, with not enough time to spend with your friends and family?


This is the book for you! The 101 tips contained in its pages will help you to scale your business, attract more clients and allow you to see the bigger picture.


All these tips are:

  • Tried and tested

  • Simple to implement

  • Practical in nature

Gemma knows from experience how easy it can be to get sucked into the detail of your business and struggle to step back and see the bigger picture. Gemma also understands the importance of being able to see that bigger picture and, through this book, wants to help other business owners like you to get clarity over your goals, focus your efforts and see results.


Dip in and out of this book as you need to. Choose a tip, action it and see the results in your business before diving back in for another nugget of wisdom.

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